
Week 28 : July 3 - July 9, 2023


So basically this week my core focus was Rust. I have read and written a lot of code in rust this week and solved a few days of code in Advent of code as well. I also took a look into TDD (Test driven development). Took part in some opensource repository discussions as well.

This week I worked on the following projects:

Languages this week:

  • TypeScript
  • Rust
  • React (Tsx)


  • Dance -> Basically this week I did not dance that much. I would count 1hr for the this entire week.
  • Guitar -> I spent 3hrs learning guitar this week.


  • Meditation 15 Minutes per day
  • Exercise 45 Minutes a day
  • Try Leaving Bad Habits (not going to mentioned)
  • Work on Rust 1hr per day.
  • 8hr Average work per day
  • Watch a movie
  • Do Dancing
  • Learn Guitar
  • Go home


  • Grepper: 45% Brown Belt, 1 Answer this week for Rust
  • Stack Overflow: 339 Point, 4 Silver, 15 Bronze. +10 Points this week and No answers.
  • Reddit: 272 Karma, Nothing this week
  • GitHub: Contribution in 10 Repos, 58 commits and 2 discussions
  • Advent of Code: 2015 version, Solved day 3, 4 and 5

New Tools:

  • I started using increaser.org and wakatime.com for time tracking
  • Plasmo JS for browser extensions

Plans for the next week

  • I am going to work more on Rust, also the Tauri framework.

Additional Logs:

  • Went to shopping this week and bought a lot of T-shirts.

Thanks for reading.